Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Go Away, Annual December Blues

You know what's a little sad? Decorating for Christmas...and then realizing you don't really have many people to share your hard work with...

Well, maybe 2 or 3 people. But it's still too bad.
Today I got sad because we live on a small island surrounded by water. I love playing hostess, and it makes me so sad that the majority of our friends here in NFLD can't just "drop in" to see us; rather, it would have to be a day trip. I think my attitude needs a pick-me-up. At least I have this little man to spend Christmas with this year.

So in between complaining outloud, and silently feeling sorry for myself, I made a mental list of things that Christmas is NOT about...

1) Showing off my Christmas tree. Which is sad, because it really is very nice. But I need to remind myself, as my dog(s) come very close to knocking it over while they wrestle, that it's just a tree.

2) Ever notice how every single holiday in this country has the central theme of FOOD?? For instance: Valentines Day? Chocolate. Canada Day? BBQ. Thanksgiving and Christmas? Turkey dinner, or if you're lucky, dinnerS...But this shouldn't be the case, in my home at least. Unless my want of a big Christmas dinner is necessary to feed those who otherwise might not have anything to eat that day.

3) Family and friends. This makes me so sad, because of the 365 days in the year, Christmas is when I most want to be with my family. But this year I can't be. And that should be ok, because as much as I love them, I shouldn't need my family with me in order to celebrate Jesus' birth.

So I'm working very hard at not getting discouraged about the spending the upcoming season alone-ish.
   I'm reminding myself that 2 years ago, my husband and I had to spend Christmas (as well as the 5 months before it and the 20-odd days after it) four provinces apart.
   And I'm continually telling myself, as always, that if I can't be there, there must be a pretty good reason I'm here.

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