Friday, June 26, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things

So about 3 months ago, I was reading a new post on a decorating blog I follow, and I decided I am permanently in love with birdcages.


No, not the kind you actually hang up and buy a bird to put inside, but the kind that is just for decoration. My husband thinks I'm insane. His first response to my new obsession was something along the lines of, "What? WHY? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. What are you going to DO with a birdcage?"

Well. Let me first say that if we were following the "What will we do with it" rule, we would have to ask this question also in regards to the giant burnt-wood wheel leaning against my living room windows. And the seashells I collected on the beach in PEI which are now in a square glass vase on the bathroom counter. Oh, and also the antique mantle with 5 layers of paint sitting in our back room, waiting to be stripped down and repainted and placed on the far wall in my living room. Despite the fact that there will be no fireplace beneath, I think it will be beautiful!

So I found a birdcage I love. I was initially going for a white, three-tiered cage, but it turns out that only exists in my imagination. I found a beautiful one I love, though...and I can always paint it white later, for a change! And yes, I understand it's weird. But I love it.

One of my favorite quotes is by William Morris...I have no idea who he is. But he is a smart, smart man, and he says this:

"Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful."

However...I go to far the other way. If I don't believe it to be beautiful, it won't be in my house. BUT...this doesn't mean that just because I find something beautiful, it should necessarily be in my home. For instance. While in PEI, my mom gave me a big, beautiful, red cranberry wreath.

(First, you must understand that my obsession with red cranberry decor falls only SLIGHTLY below my rusty barn star obession, and just barely above my newfound love for birdcages). Now. I hung said wreath on the inner door in our front entryway. And so the conversation ensued...

Jamie: " that a little Christmas-y for June?"
Me: "No. I like it. It's pretty."
Jamie: "Ok, well, yah, it's pretty, but don't you think it would be prettier in...say...December?"
Me: "NO. I like it NOW."
Jamie: "Right...ok. It's just that it says, "Joyeux Noel" on the box, so I thought..."
Me: "The wreath is staying. Deal with it. And it's NOT CHRISTMAS-Y!"
Jamie: "Fine. Merry Christmas."

Point being, I LIKE decorating with whatever I think is pretty. I don't want a cookie cutter home that looks like a page in a catalogue, I want pieces that I've made myself, or changed and put my own personal touch on.

I'm thinking about painting the wreath off-white/grey-blue. Then it'll be unique...and only mine...and a little less Christmas-y... :)

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