I sort of have a dog.
Riley belongs to one of Jamie's co-workers, who was injured on the job back in January, and is currently in NB, recuperating. So, seeing as how I was in love with his dog and so lonely most off the time, he gave me Riley until he returns (which might only be at the end of this year). I'm completely ok with this! The only person not benefiting from either end of this win-win situation is Jamie...seeing as how he's going to have to buy me a dog when Riley returns to his real family!
Holy COW it's nice having a dog in the house! I feel so much safer with Riley here...especially since he wants make chew toys out of anyone who so much as walk through our front yard! He actually is super gentle, and a real cuddler...but only if he knows I'm relaxed with the person. I love this dog. And life's not so bad for him, either...
For instance...
I left for church at 8:30 am...Jamie was home in bed. Jamie then gets ready and leaves for work at 12:50 pm, just as I'm walking back in the door. The pup usually has someone home with him. And because of this somewhat spoiled situation, puppy has developed some funny new habits that I'm not so sure his real owner is going to like...:)
Like jumping on top of my head to give me kisses when I bend over to pick my purse...or shoes...or anything at all...off the floor.
Like being so attached to Jamie that when Jamie gets home from work he jumps in circles until he pees on the floor, and then we growl him and he goes and lays on his bed.
Like being so attached to Jamie that when Jamie leaves for work, he jumps up at each and every window and door in the house to try and catch one last glimpse of him.
Like being so attached to Jamie that if a door is opened while Jamie's at work, he'll take off and run all the way to the RCMP detachment's back door, and then sit and wait in front of it.
We might be in trouble when his owner gets back :)
Jamie...start looking into breeders. We're getting a puppy.
Too funny! I agree, dogs are wonderful company... and what a beauty he is!