I love it.
Every season has it's high points (Snow...baby animals...the beach...) and it's low points (snow STORMS...baby SKUNKS...mosquitos...). Autumn, however (excluding the fact that it brings an end to beautiful summer days) is all high points. Autumn brings crisp days, cozy nights, and so much more...
1) Bring on the Cozy
There are no clothes like fall clothes. I love all the cozy sweater and wraps that magically appear in all the shops this time of year. I also love cozying up in the living room with one of my comfy blankets...it's just not the same in the summer!
2) New Seasons Of....
- Grey's Anatomy
- America's Next Top Model
- 90210
- ...I'm just realizing how much time I spend watching TV...
3) Baking
I have absolutely no idea why, but I've always found baking so much more fun in the fall...I have this strange desire to eat fresh, light, crunchy, salad-like things all spring and summer. But when fall arrives, I want pumpkin pies, brownies, oatmeal muffins...all things baked.
4) Orange, Brown, and Bronze
Most of my house is tan or yellow as it is, so it makes for easy fall decorating. There's something so homey and cozy about these shades and the colors you can incorporate in with them...it kind of eases you slowly out of the whites and tans of summer, and into the reds and golds of Christmas.
5) Gilding
My new favorite thing in the world. Check it out here.
6) Outdoor Photo Shoots
My husband and I got married in the fall, because my "wedding requirement" was that I wanted gold and yellow and orange in the backround of our pictures. I am so head-over-heels for photos with hay or straw bales, pumpkins, wagons, wheat fields, corn stalks, etc. I think they bring so much to a photo.
7) Flavored Coffee
Cinnamon, nutmeg, caramel, pumpkin spice...again, it's just completely innappropriate to drink flavored coffee any other time of the year. Except Christmas, of course...that is, if there's any left by then!
8) House Scents
I love to heat a bit of water on the stove with lemon slices and cinnamon sticks. It brings such a warm scent, and it lasts for the whole day! Other autumn-appropriate scents that I love are apple cinnamon, gingerbread, and cinnamon-banana bread. Mmmmm....they make me hungry.
9) Being THAT much closer to Christmas Decorating!!!
All in all, as much fun as autumn is, the main thing I get excited for is the fact that it brings my closer to Christmas, where my browns and bronzes change to reds and golds. I'm already super pumped for that day :)
90210, oh yes!