I've learned much in the 15 months since leaving our home in NB.
Trust. Unfortunately, trust, does NOT mean believing that the Lord is making sure everything works out just how I'm expecting it too. It means that He will walk with me.
I feel like I'm at a strange point in life right now. I would not say that I'm going through a trial, because as I look around me at all the pain and struggles in the lives of so many believers, I feel that to say I'm going through trials would be an overstatement. Even while I struggle with the things I feel are "missing", God is showing me what a beautiful life I have.
I have a wonderful husband, who works unbelievably hard in a job that relatively few could handle. He does so without complaining, or bringing the stresses of his job home with him. Thank you Lord, for blessing me, and choosing this man for me.
We have found a wonderful church here, a church whose leaders and members put prayer at the forefront of their worship, and have a beautiful vision not just for the church, but for it's surrounding community. In NB, we lived next door to our church. We had many friends. We took part in weekly Youth leadership, bible studies, choir, and prayer night.
Here in NFLD, it takes us almost 2 hours (including a 20 minute ferry ride) to get to our church. This takes its toll. We are unable to be part of small groups, or weekly going-ons in the church. We don't know as many people. We're not as plugged in.
But praise the Lord that there is even a church to attend! With my husband's job, we could easily have been posted in a much more isolated community, possible with no church at all. I so enjoyed being an active part of our large church back home. I'm learning that may not be His plan for me while I am here. And as I remind myself almost on a daily basis: I am not here by accident. My husband's posting was not a surprise to My God. He knew; He planned it.
You go before me...You shield my way
Your hand upholds me. I know you love me.
I have a very good life, but I do struggle, on a daily basis, with the desire to live closer to our families. I am a person who could easily get so caught up in, "looking forward" that I miss the blessings and opportunities in front of me today. This is something God and I are working on.

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